1. Create a global variable called inputFirstName.
2. Create a global variable called inputLastName.
3. Create a global variable called formattedName.
4. Create a function called createPipeFormat that will take 2 parameters, concatenate them together with a '|' between them, and return the result.
5. Create a function called loadName( ). The function will do the following:
6. Create a function called displayFormattedName( ). The function will do the following:
7. Create a function called characterCount( ) and modify the code so the following button will display the number of characters in the formattedName variable.
8. Create a function called uppercaseName( ) and modify the code so the following button will display the formattedName variable in all uppercase letters in the paragraph below the button
9. Link in the external Javascript files provided to do the following: Points will be deducted if the external javascript files are not used.